

~Secret superb view108 ”

1. おしらじの滝 2. 裏見の滝 3. 松木渓谷 4. 若竹の杜 5. 岩船山 6. 荒船山 7. 寺坂棚田 8. 筑波山 9. 夫婦岩(雀島) 10. 大波月海岸 11. 釣師海岸 12. 鵜原理想郷 13. アイ・リンクタウン 14. 東京スカイツリー 15. 吾妻山公園


No.31 おしらじの滝

No.31 Oshiraji no taki


It is easy to go from a downtown, too, and a phantasmal fall appears when there is much water in the place where the emerald-green deep water is seen casually.
They are 10 minutes on foot from the parking lot that is along an eight directions road.
It walks, descending a hill in the earth.
Of, however, its raining the previous day about one such as the time with much water or of course a hill in the earth being muddy such as at the day rain and easy for the shoes, too, to become muddy and being careful of it because it is easy to slip.
Even if it is lucky if it is possible to see a phantasmal fall but there isn’t a fall, it is a clean place.
There is a SUKKAN marsh with the deep water clean likewise near but it must walk as much as 30 minutes, 1 hour of a round-trip until a most back SUKKAN marsh from a parking lot.
If there was a time, it is the right or wrong.


No.32 裏見の滝

no.32 Urami no taki


It is convenient in spite of one of Nikko 3 good view falls ( Kegon NO fall, Kirifurinotaki and Urami NO fall ) from a parking lot with 15 minutes on foot but is Kegon Fall and fall of a winder and fall which a person is little in to visit when unexpected when comparing in Yunotaki and so on.
Because of Urami ‘s fall, in the back in a fall, the Fudo is deified but can’t go to the back in a fall unfortunately at present.
It is the beautiful fall of 20 m of gaps that Utagawa Hiroshige drew and Matsuo Basho composed .

No.33 松木渓谷

No.32 Matsukikeikoku
松木渓谷 MAtsukikeikoku


Matsuki Muraato made a dead village in 1902, too, is here and there in the ravine that is in a Matsuki riverside in Tochigi Prefecture Nikko City Ashio in the place where a tree dies by the injury from smoke of an Ashio mine and a winteriness drifts.
It is called the Japanese Grand Canyon, too, from that atmosphere.
A car doesn’t put in a ravine, and because it takes 3 hours of a round-trip on foot, it is ○ that it fastens beforehand to walk a little from some copper water park in a parking lot and to look at that distant view and to see it.
Becoming of a green tract of land is advanced at present by local person ‘s effort.

No.34 若竹の杜

No.35 Wakatake no mori

宇都宮市の若山農場内にある日本一の面積ともいわれています竹林で、映画やCMにも使用されています。個人的には有名な修善寺の竹の小径より竹林感が強く、嵐山の竹林の小径ほど混んでいないのがそそられる竹林です。逆に言いますと、竹以外には何もないところです。夜にはライトアップもされます(+500円)。大谷石の大谷からも近いので、合わせてツーリングをするのもいいかもです。入場料 500円

It is used for a movie and commercial, too, in Takebayashi said to be the best area in Japan that is in the Wakayama farm of Utsunomiya City, too.
It is aroused Takebayashi that the sense of Takebayashi is stronger than the path of a bamboo in famous Shuzenji, isn’t crowded personally as much as the path of Takebayashi in Ranzan.
Anything is the place that isn’t there except a bamboo when saying oppositely.
At night, it is lit up, too ( + 500 yen ).
Because it is near from Oya of a tuff, too, it may be good to do a touring all together, too.
500 yen of an admission fee

No.35 岩船山

No.35 Iwahuneyam


It is the place which the Iwafune temple called Koyama in Kanto, too, is in in 173 m of rocky mountains at one of 3 Japanese biggest sacred mountains.
Rough Iwaba is used for the special effects, too.
Does it go to a temple in a mountaintop in a paving route in a back steep slope, does it climb the stairs from a parking lot in the breast that passes part of not paving route. It is a fascinating place but it is possible to see the scenery which a winteriness hangs to. Latter is recommended.
There is a three-storied pagoda in the Iwafune temple that can get a bird’s-eye view of Kanto-heiya from the precincts.



No.36 荒船山

No.33 Arahuneyama


It is the plateau of about 2 km of north and south, about 400 m of east and west in the rocky mountain of 1423 m of altitudes that extend for Gunma Prefecture and Nagano Prefecture and is called the Japanese Guiana heights, too, from that aspect.
It is possible to want that view even while running in national road 254 that passes the neighborhood but there isn’t the parking space that can stop a motorcycle, either, and also, because there are many car streets, too, the recommendation that wants that view slowly is an Uchiyama pasture.
In a big cosmos yard in an Uchiyama pasture, 1 million cosmoses flower from the middle of September, and it is possible to want the view of wonderful Arafune Mountain over a cosmos.
200 Japanese Nayama.



No.37 寺坂棚田

No.35 Terasakatanada



No.38 筑波山

No.36 Tsukubasan


sukuba-san EU? Where does secret view? Though we wonder whether or not to seem to say…, when it is gone in a touring in Tsukuba-san, we think that there are the many ones that go to a Tsukuba-san shrine and parking lot in Tsutsujigaoka but the recommendation is the scenery from the female body mountaintop that can try to ride a ropeway from a Tsutsujigaoka parking lot.
To a ropeway, walking as much as 1 minute when it is possible to come from a downtown in 1 hour or more, after getting off a motorcycle.
Then, it is terrible as much as 5 minutes after walking from the terminal of a ropeway that it is possible to see this scenery without a fence! The Nantai-san top in another mountain peak, too, is recommended.
Then, if it comes back to a Tsutsujigaoka parking lot with a ropeway, it becomes the parking inside of the hall, this place is the place where toad Land of true secret view, too, wants to call in by all means in a sense.

筑波山 男体山からの景観


No.39 夫婦岩(雀島)

No.39 Meotoiwa(suzumejima)
夫婦岩(雀島) Meotoiwa(suzumejima)


It is two Iwashima who sticks out from the sea that can be said to be mini Mitsukejima called on from a downtown as much as 30 minutes per 1 hour, too.
In a big rock, a rock has a hole, too, when seeing closely.
It is possible to pass to a rock at an ebb.
It is the place to be glad about that it is possible for it to be easy to be above all along a paving route along a coastline and to go and to be a no- pavement but to put parking space NI and to tie a motorcycle to Meotoiwa and to photograph it.

No.40 大波月海岸

No.40 Ohazukikaigan


There is a parking lot along a paving route, and what walks on a road in a hassock such as? to go on this road arrives at the seashore in 5 minutes.
It is possible for it to be possible to want a view from on the reef which a fence isn’t in to the ocean and also to be the small seashore but to fall in a beach and to see a view with a wonderful distant view of a candle rock.
Also, there are few persons, too, too ○.
Do, however, not slipping off because there isn’t a fence note.
Also, we recommend not approaching because a leg is easy to take to the sun of the stormy weather.

No.41 釣師海岸

No.41 Tsurishikaigan
釣師海岸 Tsurishikaigan

60mほどの断崖が続く浜で、屏風ヶ浦ほどメジャーではないですが素晴らしい断崖の景観を望めます。但し、浜まではかなり悪路で、ほとんど草むらをかき分けながら下りて行かなければならないのと、男色の方が集まる浜という噂もあるため (だから釣師?)、崖の上からか近くのママ岬からその景観を眺めるのがお勧めです。

It is possible to want the view of the cliff that isn’t famous in the beach where a cliff as much as 60 m continues as much as Byobugaura but is wonderful.
For there to be a rumor such as the beach which one and one of the sodomy that must get down while however, even a beach is considerably a bad road and almost pushes aside a hassock more gather to, too
( therefore, is it Tsurishi? )
,cliff in on from soon in mom cape from that view of look one by advice be.

No.42 鵜原理想郷

No.42 Ubararisoukyo


Uhara cloudland Go who is in a place from Ubara station to 7 minutes after walking can want the seashore beauty of the ria and view of a white cliff in the place where a vacation home area plan was at the Taisyo period and was called a cloudland.
By taking about 1 hour in order that 2,300 m per an once of high Kingo courses are preparatory from a parking lot and it tours but not traveling all of the courses and the excerpt and them traveling ○.
It does on the seashore in Uhara in a hill in the evening in an inlet in a little less than hand Onnatai ( such as TAO and MEDAI ), Kedo white torii and so on recommendation.


No.43 アイ・リンクタウン

No.43 I・linktown


It says secret view or it is a happy hunting ground but in the commercial-building that is in front of JR Ichikawa station, from the view deck of 150 m of corridor types in height, it is possible to wish for 360 degrees of panoramic views.
Moreover, an entry is free.
The downtown side is just like the style of petite Manhattan especially.
It is possible to want Tokyo SKYTREE and collaboration of Mt. Fuji at the good weather.
Because it is in front of a station, a bicycle parking lot, too, is here and there.
At a dedication time, 9 o’clocks – 10 p.m. o’clocks ( it dedicates Saturday / Sunday on a ・ holiday, too ) come in all day the morning.



No.44 東京スカイツリー

No.44 Tokyo skytree
東京スカイツリー Tokyo skytree

ん? 東京スカイツリーが秘景? いやいや違うでしょ…と思われる方も多いかと存じますが、遠方からバイクで東京スカイツリーを見に来て、真下からやちょっと近くまで来て、見て満足して帰られるライダーの方も多いとは思いますが、東京スカイツリーの下にあるビル街のソラマチはバイク駐輪場が完備されていますので、是非とも、バイクを駐輪所に停めてソラマチに入られることをお勧めいたします。東京スカイツリーの展望台は有料ですが、ソラマチは無料、そして、バイクも2時間まで駐車場が無料なので、普通に見て回れば無料で済みます。そして、お勧めは4Fスカイアリーナ(広場)から見るスカイツリー。世界一の塔を真下から望むのは絶景です。特に夜の東京スカイツリーはとても綺麗です。ちなみに塔が高いので撮影は広角レンズ必須ですが、スマホであればイン側のレンズで撮影されると良いようです。

What? Does Tokyo SKYTREE secret view? We know whether or not it is more often the case that it seems it will be different unwillingly, too, but suggest, being motorcycle parking in a motorcycle by a bicycle parking lot in a motorcycle in SORAMACHI in an office building street in SKYTREE in thinking Tokyo lower being well equipped all means stopping SORAMACHI that we are many the one in a rider, returning, satisfied coming to see Tokyo SKYTREE by a motorcycle from a distant place and, coming, near straight downward a little and, seeing, too.
Because an observatory in Tokyo SKYTREE is charged for but SORAMACHI is free and then, a motorcycle, too, is free to 2 hours in a parking lot, it finishes for free if turning, seeing ordinarily.
Then, the recommendation is SKYTREE to see from a 4 F sky arena ( piazza ).
It is a superb view that wants the tower the best in the world from being straight downward.
Tokyo SKYTREE at night is very clean especially.
By the way, because a tower is high, the shooting is indispensable to a wide-angle lens but it seems to be better to be photographed with a lens on the in side if being a smart phone.



No.45 吾妻山公園

No.55 Adumayamakoen


What climbs the long stone steps from JR Ninomiya station north exit ‘s park entrance arrives at 136 m of mountaintop parks in about 15 minutes.
From an observatory, it is possible to get a bird’s-eye view of the view of Izu-oshima at Mt. Fuji and Hakone, Tanzawa, Shonan-kaigan and good weather.
A time for a cosmos and rape blossom to bloom is clean especially.
Moreover, the binoculars in a park are free.
It isn’t famous as much as the Shonan plainness, and there isn’t a parking lot, either, but it is recommended good view point.
